Saturday 8 October 2011

Ten great apps for the iUser

Yeah,you got an iPhone or iPod Touch.Big deal.Actually it is.Now I have compiled this list for the lame people who use their credit cards to pay for apps or the smart people who jailbreak their phone.

1.Doodle Jump

This game is a must have for every iUser.Your'e a six-legged freak with tentacles,an alien of the planet Beta-340,doodled by a daydreaming kindergartener during Math Class.You have to go as high as possible.Yes,you figured it out,there is a catch.You can't stop jumping.Using green tiles as leverage,avoid rotten tiles and UFO's and bug-eyed monsters.Get a rocket or heli-hat to achieve a higher score.Sounds stupid.Play it for three days and you'll get addicted


Not all of us are born with voices like Justin Timberlake or Britney Spears.Yeah,Justin Bieber is an extreme case.Sorry,Bieber fans and Bieber,I'm a Bieber hater.Well,this app can make Justin Bieber actually sound like a man.Yeah,that good.It has voice modulation,noise cancellation and pitch modification.You could turn into Jay-Z,Akon or Eminem.From rap to rock,all styles are covered.Zo-wee mama!


This is an awesome reader app.You can take ebooks form

4.Fruit Ninja

Hey,why don't you bash up that bully at your school?He's big and strong?Atleast a ninja chop?He would beat you up?Too bad.But you could atleast cut up fruit.Sounds stupid.But exremely addictive.Miss the explosives and chop up fruit

5.Angry Birds

This insanely addictive game,where you shoot birds at animals,is one of the best.Even though there are too many editions,it never ceases to amaze       

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