Hi,I'm Doctor Blake.Actually we don't have an office of any sort because wer'e just a bunch of broke post-graduates.Our only office is right here.You can always contact us at evanblake@in.com.The reason we have these weird names is,to be frank,we don't wanna be called nerds.If you go for any normal English Christian name,you would end up thinking one similar to yours.Well,how do you contact us?E-mail us at evanblake@in.com.yes that is an English Cristian name.It's one of my relatives.So to keep it short ,I'm not posting my real name.For posting articles I use an Indian name and for other purposes I'm British an called Evan Blake.Actually I'm American.I use proxies so it's pointless.Let me fill you in on the rest of the team
Athreya/Ashton Nile:I think the first name's African.The second is Canadian probably.Anyway,he's been a valuable team member since the blog was started,which was on July 14th.He's been surrounded with devices all his life so his info is pretty good
Kenji/Vernan Sacher:The first name is Japanese or somethin'.Second one's German i guess.He actually tests some of his devices and submitted the reviews
Well,we welcome new authors.But we DON'T tell your our names even then.All help is appreciated.Message me at evanblake@in.com for request to become an author.I will publish the "Application to become an author"page too