Saturday 15 October 2011

Bypassing Forum ban

Hello everyone

So I'll tell you what I found out today: how to bypass a forum ban.

When a moderator bans you from a forum, he is actually banning youraccount, ip and your browser (combined id) to keep you out of the forum.  But some forum security (for instances vB 3 forums) ban only the account and browser id, not ip. So you can simply open another browser and create a new account. Generally once you are banned, its not likely you can create another account in the same site. But if you open another browser, the Browser ID changes and you can easily register.

SMF forums can ban your ip, browser, account, everything (every browser you used to ,og in to the forum gets banned). In that case, just re-install your browser (do not use same setup, download a new one) and the browser ID will change. Hence you can get access.

I hope this helps you all. If you like this blog, please don't follow to subscribe and help us.
Thank you

~VKB and the Doctor Blake Team

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