Wednesday, 21 September 2011

US iTunes gift cards

iTunes! The name is quite common.

But at the same time it is quite a name known to cause much trouble and pain.

iTunes is a media store under Apple Inc. where you can get all famous TV shows, Movies, Music.
You can either rent them, buy them or pre-order if anything hasn't come yet. iTunes provides 2 qualities;
SD and HD.

But iTunes has different stores for all the countries. And not all stores have TV shows, movies, Music.

So how do someone living in U.A.E download an i+ movie from the US iTunes account? making a US account. Google the terms "how to create an US iTunes account" to know

But then even after you make a free US iTunes account, you cannot link any credit/debit cards or
PayPal of your own country. So what do we do?

iTunes has a system called "Giftcard Redemption" meaning you can buy a giftcard and use it instead
to buy iTunes media. There are currently 4 iTunes gift cards-- $10, $25, $50 and $100.

Only US members can buy them using US credit cards but they can be used by any user in any country
provided he/she has an US iTunes account.

Now if anyone's interested to buy an iTunes gift card, please contact the following email:



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